Anytime, Ainutime! Cultural Guides

The Ainu believe that life is possible through the blessings we receive from everything that surrounds us, including the forests, rivers, and lakes, as well as family and friends. That is why they always respect nature, value their possessions, and interact with others with a caring heart.

Anytime, Ainutime! offers tour programs led by Ainu guides (and Lake Akan Ainu Kotan residents) who share their culture on three different aspects: the forest, the lake, and craft-making. You can experience Ainu culture firsthand through traditional Ainu crafts or the Ainu way of life while enjoying the nature of Lake Akan.

By learning the Ainu way of life, you may fifi nd yourself suddenly wanting to thank someone in your life, or sharing more heartwarming moments with them. Through these tour programs, it is our hope that you will discover something that will enrich your life. We also sincerely hope that these life lessons from the Ainu will serve a purpose in your life, even after you return to your daily grind.


Experience Ainu culture through tour programs led by Ainu guides


Deepen your understanding of the culture of the Ainu

Hot spring

The hot springs in Lake Akan were an important part of the lives of the Ainu.
Rather than as a place to bathe, it is believed that they used the hot springs for recuperation and the treatment of wounds.
They also used it to extract fibers from plants and weave clothing.